Using DOCs release planning model, Oregon Workforce Partnership and the Oregon Employment Department (through a US Dept of Labor grant) have implemented WorkSource Centers in all of Oregon’s 12 state correctional facilities.
Oregon’s Department of Corrections, currently, provides release planning services to interested individuals, which can include educational services, housing placements, etc. The Oregon Employment Department and Local Workforce Boards, currently, collaborate on employment placement services using WorkSource (the state’s training and employment assistance program) within communities.
- The state of Oregon will see increased revenue from this employment, lower recidivism rates, and citizens further invested in their communities. An investment of $3 million will allow OED, OWP, and DOC to expand WorkSource reentry services to ALL Oregon state correctional facilities.
WorkSource Oregon Reentry services provide, and leverage, a range of employment specific service:
- Work preparation services like developing a resume, cover letter, and interview practice
- Training and education services
- Job search and placement assistance
- Financial literacy and budgeting classes
- Computer skills
Rapid attachment to meaningful employment is significantly correlated with reduced recidivism and investing in
expansion of the WorkSource Reentry program will support:
- 650 individuals, annually, as they transition into gainful employment upon release
- Aim to reduce the annual recidivism rate by 13%
- Save Oregon taxpayers over $3 million within the program’s initial span
- Housing Oregon’s inmates costs $38,000 (annually, per inmate), WorkSource Reentry achieves
reintegration and employment connections for a one-time cost of just $5,000 per person.
- Housing Oregon’s inmates costs $38,000 (annually, per inmate), WorkSource Reentry achieves