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become part of the solution to share best practices and promote Oregon’s workforce

sponsor our

WORKing Together Conference

in support of Oregon’s workforce!

Workforce development is a cross-cutting and important topic. In order to ensure that Oregonians have the skills to meet the needs of Oregon business, we need to establish even more effective partnerships and reimagine our understanding of education, training, and work. The OregonWorkforce Partnership provides leadership that promotes and advances Oregon’s workforce system.

The WORKing Together 2023 Conference held last November in Bend brought together over 515 Oregon businesses, educators, public agency leaders, community-based organizations, elected officials, and workforce professionals to explore the local state, and national best practices emerging workforce trends, and innovative solutions.

Our conference brings together a wide array of leaders and professions from the private and public sectors, higher education, and elected officials. These diverse stakeholders come together annually for the purpose of positive change through new and innovative tools ideas, and products.

Sponsorships allow us to offer a wold-class experience and relevant content. Additional funds generated by the conference are reinvested onto Oregon’s workforce to create positive systems change for Oregonians.










$2,500 / $1,500

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