The Oregon Workforce Partnership (OWP) provides leadership that promotes and advances Oregon’s workforce system. Our WORKing Together conference brings together businesses, educators, public agency leaders, community-based organizations, and workforce professionals to explore local, state, and national best practices, emerging workforce trends, and innovative solutions.

This year our conference theme is Reconnect.

We are seeking business, workforce professionals, and trainers to present at our upcoming WORKing Together Conference. We are looking for interactive sessions that will engage attendees and inspire them to take actionable steps to apply the learning to their own work. The deadline to submit proposals is June 30. We are interested in submissions in the following two thematic areas: Modern Management and Innovative Engagement.

Modern Management topics could include:

  • Remote/hybrid work
  • Coworking
  • Rural challenges
  • Generations in the workplace
  • Inclusion, equity, and diversity
  • Self-care
  • Work culture that attracts and retains talent
  • Artificial Intelligence in the workplace

Innovative Engagement topics could include:

  • Post-secondary engagement
  • Youth/Emergent Workforce
  • B2B skilling up
  • Apprenticeships
  • Training

Proposals should include:

  • A brief description of the session
  • A list of learning objectives
  • A description of any interactive elements
  • A list of materials that will be provided
  • A proposed length or range for the session
  • A brief bio of the presenter
  • A photo of the presenter

We are committed to creating an inclusive and diverse environment at the conference, and we encourage applicants from all backgrounds to submit proposals. If you are interested in presenting at the WORKing Together Conference, please submit your proposal by June 30. For any questions or additional information, please contact us at Thank you for your interest in the WORKing Together Conference. We look forward to receiving your proposal.

Please consider my proposal to present at a breakout session.

I'm interested in doing the following presentation type: *
I would like to be considered for future conferences also.

The Oregon Workforce Partnership is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that seeks to advocate for and promote a thriving economy through living wage work for Oregonians and business competitiveness through talent acquisition. Our annual WORKing Together Conference is made possible through sponsorships and generous donations of time and money. As such, we have limited funds available. Please indicate in the above text block your requirements for compensation or in-kind contribution. We offer complimentary admission to the conference to keynote speakers and the primary breakout presenter (1 per session).